Ирландец отметил, что в этом случае рассмотрит вариант с проведением боя с другим именитым боксёром.
«В последнее время всё внимание уделялось боксу, но не думайте, что я забываю о захватах, ударах ногами и прочих атрибутах ММА. Флойд ещё может наложить в штаны, и в таком случае я вернусь к настоящим схваткам или подберу себе другого оппонента-боксёра - к примеру, Пакьяо», - написал Макгрегор в «Инстаграме».
Here is a reply video I sent one of my protgs who was seeking advice on some boxing only pad work footage they sent me. I believe you will like it. The focus has been solely boxing lately but make no mistakes, the kicking and grappling aspects, and everything else got to do with unlimited free fighting, is still very much present in my thoughts. Floyd may crap his jocks after all and if so I will go back to true fighting or just pick another boxer like manny or something. But whatever that's another conversation. I like to build fighters and watch their progression. I have built many to this date, and all unintentionally. One is fighting in the UFC main event this weekend. When my son is born I will build him up into a multiple free fighting world champion also. Just like his old man. I look forward to it.
Публикация от Conor McGregor Official (@thenotoriousmma) Апр 20 2017 в 11:17 PDT